Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Best Interview Experience Ever

I just finished the interview for the Extreme Blue Program. This is the best interview experience that I have ever had.
First, the interviewer follows the typical interview routing. After introducing himself, he asked to briefly tell him about me, followed by a series of behavioral questions. As I was preparing for my other job interviews recently, I was almost ready for all of his questions.
And then he started technical questions. Some of the questions were also kind of basic. Like,
- difference of C++ and Java. When will you choose one over the other?
- explain static keyword in C++
- What is deadlock?
He also asked a series questions about hash, and lots of complexity questions of different data structure.
Some of the questions are hard. ( Maybe just I don't know the answer!) He asked what is "vtable". I actually never heard of it before, but I asked him if I can "google" it. Lol... he said, "well, this is a phone interview..." So I cheated by searching online and came up the answer. He also asked me "what happened when you enter a URL in a browser and press enter..." I was supposed to talk about the very low level internet behavior here, like how packages are routed and stuff, which I actually had very little knowleage. So my answer was messy and not organized at all. I was just trying to tell him what I know or what I can guess as much as possible. But he was very nice that he kept giving me hint and guided me through.

The interviewer actually called five minutes earilier than the scheduled meeting time. We started at 10:55am, and didn't finished until 12:15am. More than one hour phone interview~
During the whole interview, he was talking in a very friendly and enthusiastic way. He kept encouraging me and commended my answer. I definitely felt that he was happy to talk with me and really learn more about what I know.

The best part is , in the end, when I asked about the following recruiting process, if I passed this round. He told me that he is going to tell them to hire me! This is the first time that the interviewer told the interview result right after the interview! I was so excited about that~

It was the longest interview I have ever had, also the best one ever. I felt really relaxed and just be myself. I believe he had a good understanding of my knowleadge scope as well. A win-win situation for both part. Well, look forward to the next round, which is also the last stage.

Good luck to myself!

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